Radio-Electronics Magazine, April 1949
Miss Mary Jane Padgett checks the charge on an electret.
The cover of Radio-Electronics magazine from April, 1949 shows a
remarkably well-dressed young lady testing a new "electret"
in a laboratory.
What's an electret, you ask? The simplest comparison is with
a capacitor, which as you may know, has dielectric layers that
can temporarily store an electrical charge. An electret
also stores a charge, but the charge (polarization) is permanently embedded rather
than transitory. The most familiar example is an electret microphone, which
converts sound vibrations into electrical energy without using
an external power supply.
The cover story describes a way to make electrets that were more stable
and powerful than previous examples,
using a mixture of Carnauba wax and hydrogenated resin.
More interesting to me was an article on page 34,
entitled Magnetic TV Enlarger. The first illustration
caught my eye because it shows a
Pilot TV-37 television like
mine. Furnished with a tiny 3-inch picture tube, the Pilot was often
used with a magnifying lens to enlarge its picture.
The article describes a novel idea for enlarging the picture
electronically rather than with a lens. Rather than spoil the punchline,
I'll just let you read the rest and enjoy!