Radio News Magazine Aug. 1926
This cover from the August, 1926 issue
of Radio News announces a circuit design contest
offering $300 in prizes. That was a lot of money
in 1926! The cover art
shows the parts: two triode tubes and a couple dozen
other components.
Hugo Gernsback was a tireless evangelist, as well
as a technical visionary and prolific writer. Although
the article explaining this contest doesn't bear his
byline, the tone is unmistakeably Gernsback:
In some quarters the impression seems to prevail that
hook-ups and new circuits are doomed and that there is no
further interest in them. We are confident, however, that
Radio News, perhaps more accurately than any other agency,
know what is going on in radio circles; and that there is
proof abundant that, rather than dying out, radio experimenting
in this country is steadily forging ahead. The minute we let up
on publishing hook-ups and constructional radio articles in
Radio News, we are inundated with a storm of protesting letters.
Every time we publish a new hook-up, literally thousands upon
thousands of letters for more information and details come to
our desks; and instead of a decline, it has become necessary
for us to put on additional people on our technical staff in
order to cope with the situation.
Other articles in this issue include:
- The Double-Grid Tube, by Hugo Gernsback
- One Million Farmers Study by Radio
- Broadcasting the Sounds of Atoms
- Radio Weather, Good and Bad
- The Radio Beginner—Are Portable Sets Really Practical?
- Vacuum Tubes and Their Uses
- The Broadcasting of Pictures
- Manufacture of Modern Radio Receivers
- A Batteryless Receiver
- Relaying Radio Messages from the Polar Regions
- A Handy, Light Vacation Set (construction)
- An Inverse Duplex Receiver for the Home Constructor (construction)
- A TransOceanic Broadcast Receiver
- More About Receivers Without Wires
- More About Audio-Frequency Amplifiers
- Chemical Condensers of Large Capacity
- Results of Co-operative Measurements of Radio Fading